
Sunday, 11 December 2016


I think that I have improved my expresion in english and I can understand better when someone talks to me. Now, I can watch "game of thrones" in english without subtitles! I listen to a lot of english music and I feel like i can understand the lyrics better tan before.
My weaknesses is the transalation, For me, it is very hard to study I think that my problem is that for me, sometimes is hard to find the concrete expression that you want and I think for me is hard because I don´t use to translate the vocabuary or for example there are some words that I know how to use because of the context but I don´t know the exact meaning in Spanish.
The thing that I liked the most was the music video Project  I had a great time filming it, and I obviuslly loved the result of all of our work. I also like the days that Clarisa come to our class. It is very interesting to know someone from that far and to learn a Little bit more about other cultures.
I think my strength is speaking, I love comunicating with other people and this is another way tan brings me the opportunity to comunicate with more people. I think I have lost the shame in case I make a mistake. Making mistakes is also a way to learn!


Saturday, 3 December 2016

These are some music quotes I want to share with you.



Spot: film in wich you try to sell something
Change into: transform
promote: tell people about a service or product to make it popular
convince: succeed inmaking someone believe something
appear: perform or speak where you are seen by a lot of peolple
claim: say something is true although you migh not be able to prove it
fundraising auction: auction made to raise money for charity
baby sitter= an-pair
slogan: catch phrase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify certain product or company
broadcast= transmit
bargain: something very cheap
purchase= buy
refund: you go to the shop to return something you don't like
piggy bank: pig in where you put the coins
short sighted: someone that can't see very well
big-headed= stubborn
semi-detached houses: you only share one wall withyour neighbours
terraced houses: you share two walls with your neighbours (houses are in a line)
red-brickes: made with red bricks
well-kept: It is well conservated
modern-looking: it looks modern
old-fashioned: it looks old
four-bedroomed: it has four bedrooms
hand-made: made by hand

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Phisical education activities

The principle of tranference:

 The principle of transfer is the influence of one type of exercise on the performance of another type of exercise. There are three types:
  • Positive transference: when one exercise improves the performance of another one.
  • Negative transference: when one exercise makes the performance of another more difficult
  • Neutral transference: when one exercise doesen't have effect on the performance of another

Examples of each training principles:

  • Principle of effective charge: Let's suppose that we have a person "A" this person want to work strength by doing weightlifting. A has proved that the maximun weight that he can lift is 100 kg. A is a begginer so he must start working at his 40%. He must lift 40kg. We have a person "B" that has proved that the maximun weight that he can lift is 170kg. He has been working in weight ifting for 3 years and he want to improve his strenght, to archieve it he must work at his 60%. He must lift 102kg.
  • principle of progression of the load: We have the same person "A" who workout 2 days per week. If he wants to improve he shoul at first increase the days of workout for example he should start working out 3 days per week. Next he should increase the repetitipons of the exercise. let's suppose that at first he did two series of fifteen repetittions. If hr wants to improve he should do two series of twenty rpetitions. At last he should increase the percentage of his working (instead of working at his 40% he shuld start working at his 50%)
  • principle of variety: A is doing deaweight weightlifting, in this exercise he is working quadriceps, abs and bíceps. He should do strength exercises for those muscles and their antagonists (hamstings, lumbar muscles and tríceps). Some examples are squats, situps and push-ups. 
  • principle of optimal relationship between load and recovery: A start working out 2 days per week, he does that for 3 weeks. then he has one week of rest. After that he should start working out 3 days per week for three weeks. Then he has one week of rest and so on.
  • Principles of repetition and continuity: A has to work out 4 days per week. If he start working out only 2 days, the progression wouldn't be effective.
  • Reverse action principle: A is in his 10th week of work out when he has a vertebral fracture. He has to rest for three months what means that he is going to lose all of his improvement.
  • Principle of periodization: For A I have designed a mesocycle of 3 weeks of work out and 1 week of rest. After 3 mesocycles A sould take a rest of two weeks.
  • Principle of individuality: the training designed for A wouldn´t be useful for B (B is a profesional weightlifter) B should train way harder than A with different and more especiffic exercises and different cycles.
  • Principle of spececialization: For any weightlifter like A, endurance athletics aren't a good option because in each sport you use a different type of muscles and with endurance athletics you would lose muscle mass.
  • principle of transference: A type of exercise that would be good for a weightlifter would be swimming as it makes your back stronger wich is very good if you don´t want to injure yourself while working out.

Phisical education notes

Principals of training notes
Endurance notes

Thursday, 10 November 2016

  • GLOSSARY: Units 0&1


Be aware: ralize, be conscious
Quill: feather used to write in the past
Looking forward= can't wait
Developer: scientist that creates and discovers new things
It takes ages: it takes a lot of time
Parcel: box with your shopping that comes by mail
Supportive: someone that is there for you if you have a problema
Sympathetic: someone that feels what you feel
Hypocritical: someone that seem to be one thing but they are the opposit
Outgoing= extrovert
Eager: someone that is interested in your news
Untrustworthy: someone in wich you can't trust


Make a difference
Get used to
Get permission
Make an effort
Get involved
Make an impressiom

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Hi! this is Andrea
This year I´m studying 4th of ESO and I´m so glad to be here with you guys :)
I'm going to speak a little bit about myself . I like reading, learning new things and I play the string bass . I talk a lot, I´m a little bit messy and i forget absolutly everything.
I hope this year I can learn other things and improve my english with my classmates.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016



Armed robber: robo a mano armada

-Burglar : ladrón/a (roba en las casas)

 -Detective : detective

 -Fraudster : defraudador/a

 -Judge : juez/a

 -Lawyer : abogado/a

 -Mugger : atracador/a

 -Murderer : asesino/a

 -Police officer : agente de policía

 -Thief : ladrón/a

 -Traffic warden : policía de tráfico

 -Private investigator : investigador privado

-Arrest : arrestar

-Black market : mercado negro

-Evidence : señal

-Interview : entrevistar

-Trap : atrapar

-Case: caso

-Suspicious : sospechoso

-Arson : incendio provocado

-Blackmail : chantaje

-Burglary : asalto

-Credit-card fraud : tarjeta de crédito engañosa

-Forgery : falsificación

-Drug-dealing : tráfico de drogas

-Vandalism : vandalismo

-Identity theft : usurpación de identidad

-Kidnapping : secuestro

-Mugging : atraco

-Speeding : exceso de velocidad

-Smuggling : contrabando

-Pickpocketing : caracterismo

-Shoplifting : robo en una tienda

-Business owner : dueño/a de un negocio

-Ecologist : ecologista

-Household : propiedad

-Lawnmaker : legislador

-Local council : ayuntamiento

-Resident : residente

-Come clean about... : sincerarse sobre...

-Make someone think : hacer que alguien piense

-Illegal : ilegal

-Illogical : ilógico

-Impossible : imposible

-Irresponsable : irresponsable

-Unfair : injusto

amusing: divertido
annoying: molesto
confusing: confuso
embarrassing: embarazoso
fascinating: fascinante
frightening: algo que da miedo
inspiring: inspirador
irritating: irritante
motivating: motivador
relaxing: relajante
upsetting: molesto
worrying: preocupante
browse: navegar
charge: cargar
plug in: enchufar
press: presionar
scroll: deslizar la pantalla hacia abajo/ arriba
stream: ver algo online
swipe: deslizar la pantalla hacia los lados
switch on: encender
switch off: apagar
tap: tocar rapidamente
text: escribir (por el móvil)
unplug: desenchufar
update: subir a la red
burst out laughing: estallar a carcajadas
gap: hueco
misunderstanding: malentendido
nod your head: asentir con la cabeza
shake your head: mover la cabeza haci los lados
express: expresar
hit: pegar
invite: invitar
spread new: divulgar noticias
squeeze: apretar
warn: advertir
excited: emocionado
exciting: emocionante
frightened: asustado
irritated: irritated
irritating: irritante
afford: permitirse
bargain: chollo
be worth: merecer la pena
borrow: recibir prestado algo
brand: marca
cost: costar
discount: descuento
lend: prestar
sale: rebaja
shop online: comprar online
waste: malgastar
archery: tiro con arco
athletics: atletismo
catch up: atrapar/alcanzar
join in: unirse a...
kayaking: hacer kayak
miss out: perderse algo...
pick up: recoger
rock cimbing: escalada de montaña
take up: comenzar
trail biking: bicicleta de montaña/ campo a través
try out: probar
wakeboarding: wakeboard
customer: cliente
department store:grandes almacenes
fraction: fracción
half-price: a mitad de precio
shop owner: propietario
sports gear: equipo de deportes
I´ve got on my eye on...: Tengo el ojo puesto en..
. We´re after...: Estamos detrás de...
delicious: delicioso
mild: templado
nutritious: nutritivo
sour: salado
spicy: picante
sweet: dulce
fill up: llenar
queue up: hacer cola
set up: preparar
turn up: aparecer
wash up: limpiar